Official membership registrations now open

We are happy to announce the next phase of the IT Professionals for the People, with a new constitution, a pro-tem committee, a research associate, a social media coordinator, the continuation of the e-Referendum project, and also a registration under the RoC in the coming weeks.

Ahead of our first Annual General Meeting, we cordially invite you to formally register as members by filling the form at the bottom of this page.

Why is this important?

Considering what we were able to accomplish as a small core group recently (the e-Referendum that went all the way to parliament), imagine what positive impact we could have on Sri Lanka if we had a significant active membership. So please join us!


We are NOT an industry lobby. We are a volunteer non-profit. The benefit, obviously, is contributing toward a faster recovery and a better future for Sri Lanka. How much time and effort you contribute is entirely up to you.


Until recently, project expenses have been borne by core members themselves. We are determined to not accept any funding from any external organisation – governmental, non-governmental, foreign or domestic. Therefore we ask of you a relatively small annual membership fee of Rs. 5000 (a little over Rs. 400 per month) to partially cover project expenses. Accounts will be published to members at the AGM.

Our work

We're currently focusing on the e-Referendum. All our future projects will revolve around gathering and disseminating knowledge that aids citizens in actively participating in positive social, economic and political change in Sri Lanka.

Our values

We are strongly non-partisan and highly inclusive. We will neither endorse nor condemn any individual, group or political party. We operate entirely in the sphere of principles, policies and laws. We accept IT professionals of all persuasions with a good standing in society, regardless of their ethnicity, gender or religious beliefs. We believe in democracy, equal rights and dignity for all, the rule of law, free and equitable markets, and a strong social safety net for those in need.